SET-DB™ Basic Package
Here’s what’s included in the program:
- 80+ BioSurveys are included in the program! SET-DB™ is now push-button easy to perform on your Elite or Select.
- An extensive Practitioner Manual that explains all aspects of SET-DB™. The Organ System Stress Test™ comes with its own manual. Everything you need to know is in the manuals. You get the manuals in PDF format with a clickable Table of Contents for easy navigation on mobile devices and computers.
- A Staff Manual that teaches your staff what to say and what to do.
- All the forms you’ll need to manage your SET-DB™ and OSST™ patients.
- Three reports that explain the treatment and convince people they need to get it, ready for you to customize and use. (These could easily cost you $25,000 EACH if you paid a copywriter to write them for you.)
- Extras like marketing tips, what envelopes work the best for mailing reports, how to save money on mailing reports, how to print the reports so people will pay attention to them instead of throwing them away, how to talk about the procedure, how to get people to pay for their program up front (assuming it’s legal where you live), and much, much more.
- Up to sixty minutes of one-on-one telephone coaching, should you need it (but you probably won't because the manuals explain everything) to get up and running with SET-DB™ as quick as one weekend.
- Email support in addition to the sixty minutes of telephone coaching.
Here are the BioSurveys available to SET-DB™ practitioners:
- Category Scan (Scans for responses to whole categories. Used on an initial visit.)
- Common Food Scan (Scans for responses to foods people are commonly sensitive to.)
- OSST (Eval) (Scans organs, systems, and glands.)
- OSST (Organ System Stress Test. Finds a homeopathic(s) that balance out-of-range areas.)
- Blank Vials (Can be used to blank out clearing vials. A magnet is preferred.)
- Amino Acids
- Phenolics
- Minerals
- Vitamins
- Fatty Acids
- Sugars/Sweeteners
- Gluten/Gliadin (A deep dive into this often troublesome set of potential stressors.)
- Grains
- Wheat Digestion (Another deep dive into a food millions have problems with.)
- Dairy
- Diary/Egg proteins (Looks at dairy and egg peptides and certain enzymes.)
- Food Additives
- Fruit
- Vegetables
- Meat/Poultry
- Seafood
- Beans/Legumes
- Nuts/Seeds
- Fats/Oils
- Beverages
- Spices/Seasonings
- Misc Foods
- Pesticides
- Chemicals
- Salicylates
- Trees
- Grasses
- Weeds
- Dust
- Flowers
- Mold/Fungus
- Fumes
- Epidermals
- Household Chemicals
- Hormones
- Neurotransmitters
- Glands
- Adrenal
- Liver/Lung/Kidney
- Lymph/Sinus
- Heart/Circulation
- Stomach/Intestines
- Brain/Nerves
- Male
- Female
- Skeletal
- Muscles
- Ears/hearing
- Eyes/vision
- Enzymes
- Glycolysis/Krebs
- Inflammatory Response
- Cytokines
- Probiotics
- Teeth
- Immune System Basic
- Misc Autoimmune
- Emotions
- Autoimmune Category Scan (Scans for responses to whole autoimmune categories.)
- Steroid Hormone Pathway
- Viruses
- Exocrine Body Fluids
- Bacteria
- Parasites
- Mycotoxins
- Radiation
- Geopathic Stressors
- Heavy Metals
- Plastics
- Vaccinations
- Insects
- Hygiene/Grooming Products
- Endocrine Disrupters (Environmental substances that can disrupt the endocrine system.)
- Recreational Drugs
- Water Contaminants
- Oxalate Biochemistry
- Oxalate Foods - High
- Geopathic Stressors
- 2019 Outbreak (A category designed to help strengthen the immune system against outbreaks.)
- Nightshades
There are close to 500 Virtual Stressors ONLY available in the SET-DB™ Library.
The cost for my SET-DB™ Basic Package and OSST™ Program — the reports, the forms, the scripts, the manuals, the training, all 80+ BioSurveys — everything, is only $1,997 for digital delivery. You’ll get the support materials emailed to you shortly after your purchase. Read the manuals on your computer or mobile device, or print them out if you want. (ZYTO is the gatekeeper for the BioSurveys. Once you've signed their disclaimer all my BioSurveys will appear in your software the next time you sync. Pretty slick.)
Let’s put this in perspective. I sold dozens of my Hayfever packages to patients at $500 each (they could easily go for $800 or more now). After you explain that they only have to go through the program ONCE, not every year, and show them how they’ll be saving $300–500 by buying the package, it’s an easy sale. You'll recoup the cost of the program with only 4 or 5 of these patients.
Go to the Contact Page and shoot me an email if you have any questions. Or give me a call. (My number’s on the Contact page.) If I can’t get to the phone when you call, leave a detailed message so I can call you right back.
If you’re ready to get started now, go to the Order Page. If you'd rather buy by phone, go to the Contact page to get my number and give me a call.
Thanks and I look forward to working with you.
Dr. Teryl Boothe
P.S. For a limited time get any two programs, the SET-DB™ Basic and SET-DB™ Fibromyalgia OR Thyroid Protocols, for $300 off: $3,194 (Click on the Order Online Button at the bottom of the page.)
P.S.S. For an even better value get all three programs, SET-DB™ Basic, SET-DB™ Fibromyalgia, and SET-DB™ Thyroid, for $500 off: $4,491. (Click on the Order Online Button at the bottom of the page.)